Young Adult
Romance, Paranormal Romance, Historical Romances, Urban Fantasy, Erotica, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Suspense or Thrillers, Young Adult
Darlene's Book Nook
Paranormal, Suspense/Thriller, Mystery, Young Adult, Horror, Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Romantic Suspense, Mainstream Fiction, and Juvenile Fiction (which I will read aloud to my children).
Ears on the Odyssey
Childrens, Young Adult
Elitist Book Reviews
Primarily Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and sub-genres of these
Contact for policy
Good Book Fairy
Wide variety but will not review poetry, photography, self-help, erotica, true science fiction or true romance
Great Kid Books
Children's, YA
Email for policy
I Am, Indeed
Romance including Paranormal, Historic, Contemporary, LGBTQ, & Historic. Young and New Adult, LIMITED Teen and Middle Grade reads. Cozy Mysteries, Urban Fantasy, Light Fantasy and Light Science Fiction.
Jenn's Bookshelves
I review most fiction, including literary fiction, mainstream, women’s fiction, suspense/thriller, horror and YA.
Literary Flits
Contact via Social Media links
Fiction, non-fiction. Anything except Erotica
Policy Page or contact via Social Media.
Young Adult (fantasy, contemporary, retellings, historical fiction, anthologies), Adult Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Science Fiction (rarely), Middle Grade (usually fantasy)
As of January 11th 2019 I will no longer accept review requests unless they are from publishers. I have a limited time to read and a very long TBR pile. I might be picky with some review requests, but I will only accept reviews from publicists and publishers now.